Thursday, 20 March 2014

Why education is such a big election issue

I arrived into the NZ education system 10 years ago. Back then I was full of optimism. I had left behind the damaging political agenda for education that had decimated schools in the UK and discovered something really exciting. A new NZ curriculum in 2007 was full of opportunities for schools to enhance rich, authentic learning experiences. Furthermore, since NZ was relatively sheltered from the economic downturn that was crippling the rest of the world, I genuinely felt we had an opportunity to educate a generation of kiwis that would have an advantage over their competitors in the global market place.

Sadly, since then, the NZ government has:

ü  Gifted $35 million to private schools (<4% of students)
ü  Slashed $25 million from the Education Ministry coffers
ü  Abandoned the curriculum and implemented National Standards without trial, against advice and with limited consultation. These were hurriedly legislated into law.
ü  Wiped $400 million from the (crucial) early childhood budget 
ü  Narrowed curriculum to literacy and numeracy
ü  Sacked advisors not related to national standards (Science, Technology, Arts…).
ü  Cut funding for technology teachers 
ü  Increased class sizes to over 1:27, 6 more than the OECD average
ü  Closed health camps and residential schools for behavioural needs (illegally).
ü  Threatened schools who questioned National Standards with having boards and principals sacked, professional development and funding withheld or additional ERO visits.
ü  Bungled Christchurch school closures.
ü  Employed new Education Ministry head from UK with a background in Charter Schools and limited knowledge of New Zealand system, who left quickly after a stormy relationship with Hekia.
ü  Implemented Novopay without a proper trial despite having 147 software faults. 
ü  Introduced charter schools despite no evidence of need or raised attainment. Charter Schools are given a huge financial advantage over public schools.
ü  Watched for five years as New Zealand’s international ranking plummets to as low as 23rd.
ü  Ignored internationally regarded research that reveals New Zealand's schools are suffering serious harm under the National Standards regime.
ü  Announced that $359 million will be spent on Executive Principals and Teachers who are successful in raising achievement in National Standards. Educators question why the money is supporting a corporate management system and isn’t being spent directly to help kids
ü  Changed teacher training requirements to allow teachers to train in 6 weeks
ü  Developed PACT tool – a flawed tool to rationalize flawed standards that is universally boycotted by all teaching associations

Following the next election, National have already hinted at performance pay for teachers and even school funding to be based on flawed and unworkable national standards. Both these concepts are fundamentally flawed.

Children have never been considered. Not once.

Education outcomes have never been considered. Not once.

This agenda is about relinquishing all financial, educational and social responsibility to private enterprise. The research is unequivocal – your kids will be far far far worse off under such a system.

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