I have always genuinely enjoyed ERO reviews. You might think that this is slightly unusual, but I believe this statement says more about ERO and the way they operate, than it does about my sanity.
Previous reviews have always left me a better Principal than I was before, with clarified thinking and fresh ideas that often led to positive outcomes for students. Conversation with highly skilled and experienced officers (educators, not politicians mind you) have always been a privilege.
So why this post? It is certainly not to flatter ERO in the hope of a favourable review!
After re-reading my recent posts, a major question has emerged:
Are ERO an independent education review body? Or, are they a political tool for a government hell bent on privatising schools?
I hope ERO can forgive me for asking the question, but this is how OfSTED seems to have evolved in the UK, with disastrous results.
I can't wait to continue the conversations about learning and look forward to an enjoyable and productive few days.
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