Friday, 17 May 2013

Some thoughts on the 2013 budget....

First we were told to fear the enemy. Some people got richer.
Then we were told to fear climate change. Some people got richer.
Then we were told to fear the global financial melt down. And still some people got richer.
Is the education of our children our next great fear? Will some people get richer?

There is no doubt that public education is under an organized assault by corporate reformers who seek to script our curriculum and make us teach to their tests. This will make them richer, but at what cost to our children and our children's futures?

Bill's budget supports this reform unequivocally.

NZ schools had a much broader vision for a different kind of education: one that supports each and every child to dance and sing and think and debate and play and create and dream and make art and show their ideas about how to make the world a better place.

It was called the NZ Curriculum and it has been lost in a haze of National Standards data and a myriad of so-called initiatives.

I just wish the budget had included more money for supporting our children and less money for 'measuring' them.

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